September 27, 2008

For the animals

Today we participated in the Walk for the Animals at First Energy Stadium. After the walk we ate good food and listened to great music. Thanks to everyone that supported us with your donations!

And...Molly is 15 months old today!

September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Poppy!

Yesterday was Poppy's birthday and we celebrated with a special lunch today. Aunt Lori, Uncle Jimmy, Grammom, and Poppy all came over and we had a picnic outside. Aunt Lori made a delicious cake and we all sang Happy Birthday.

September 13, 2008

See ya, summer.

Boehringers Drive In closes tomorrow for the cooler months. It's hard to believe summer is already over. We went for one last taste of ice cream and shared a banana split.

September 12, 2008

September 9, 2008

First Day!

Ian had his first day of 3 year old preschool today. He had a great time singing songs and dressing up like a fireman, but he didn't like his snack. He was happy to get apple juice to drink!
I got a few pictures just before we left, but it started to pour as I was putting Ian in the car, so it was very dark outside this morning.

And one after we got home with his new book from his teacher.

September 8, 2008


Molly went to her first Phillies game tonight. Aunt Katie met us there! Thanks Gran and Grandpa, we had a great time.

September 7, 2008

Go Birds!

It's Brian's favorite time of year. Ian and Molly were showing their Eagles pride too!